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Syn of the Order


An endless runner game made for Sumo Digital Studios using C# and Unity. Created by a small multidisciplinary team.

My focus was on 3Cs programming. However, I also implemented some other features and held playtests.

C#   Unity

Mathematics & Physics for Game Development 

GitHub    VS2019     Rider

~3 mouths: 1 University Semester

30/05/2022- 12/08/2022

The team consists of 9 people:

1 producer, 2 programmers, 2 designers, 3 artists, and 1 audio.

I was one of the 2 programmers.

My Main Contributions

Character Locomotion

Camera System

Character Controls

UI Inputs Controls

Open/End Sequences

Death Manager

Character Locomotion


The character's locomotion consists of moving, jumping, dodging, and sliding.


Used BoxCast for ground check.

Has 2 parameters which adjust the height and size of check box.

Jump Detection


Screenshot 2022-09-18 183642.png

The forward direction of the movement input is the forward direction of the camera.

//_moveV2d is the input value.

Move direction is parallel to the ground.

Makes the oblique move direction value one.

Moves the character based on current acceleration.


 Stops the character when there is no input. Avoids sliding out


Separates the 3D speed into horizontal speed and vertical speed. Clamps the horizontal speed.




The jump consists of 3 stages: 

jumping, hanging, falling. 

Has 3 parameters which are the duration and height of min/max jumps.

Click button for min jump,

hold button for max jump.

Has 1 parameters which is the additional gravity by which the falling curve can be edited.

The jump bases on physics.



The left and right dodges correspond to the two  buttons.

The horizontal direction of camera is the direction of dodges.

Using SmoothDamp makes dodges graceful.

Adds cooldown after dodge.



Adds cooldown after slide.

Uses another collider for slide.

While sliding, Temporarily disable player input.

Has 2 parameters which are slide distance when running and standing.

Enables player input.

Uses Rigidbody.MovePosition in FixedUpdate to make sure colliders work in this case.

Camera System


The camera automatically transitions smoothly depending on the direction of the track. Leaves the player unaware of camera changes.

Camera Group

Because the track is fixed, I used a camera group, pleasing a camera in each corner and each camera corresponds to a trigger box, which is used for cameras transitions.

Assigns an int value to each camera and uses the dictionary to make the trigger box correspond to the camera.

Skip a frame to ensure that the camera is accessed.




//on the trigger box

Corresponds each trigger box to a camera.

Uses StateDrivenCamera and animator to organize cameras.

Camera VFX

Changes the camera VFX according to the player's status.

There are three statuses: normal, slow motion, and flow status.

Uses 3 volume settings profile to store data.



Character Controls

Uses new Input System to organize character movements' input.

Tutorial Inputs Manager

Monitor the device used by the player to display the corresponding tutorial UI.

Detects if there is a gamepad connected to the computer, and if so, uses the gamepad UI when the player has no input.

Using the gamepad first and switching to the keyboard.

Updates when devices changed.

Detects which action the character performs. (3).gif

UI Inputs Controls

Separates keyboard and mouse into two control schemes so that they can be detected separately.

Detects mouse input and display/hide cursor.

Since the menus are few and simple, sets the hover button for each menu straightforwardly when using a gamepad or keyboard. (2).gif

Death Manager

Fail with Portal

When the character dies due to three times attack, replace the character model with a death portal model. (1).gif

Fall of Track

When the character falls off the track, the camera detaches itself from the character and slowly descends a distance. Use Storyboard to achieve a fade to black effect on the screen.

Deactivate player's input.

Adjust Alpha to achieve a fade to black effect.

Use SmoothDamp to make the camera descend a distance slowly.


Drew the storyboard according to the designer's text description, set cameras and characters, delivered it to the artist for polishing.

Open Sequences

Shot end sequences and added functions according to the designer's request.

End Sequences

Dolly Monster

Uses a dolly track and a trigger box which follows the character as a contant speed to control the rythum of the game. If the dolly trigger box collides the character, the game over.

Animation System

Implemented every edition of animations.

Communicated with the animator to ensure all parts work well.

The simple and easy-to-use character animator.


©2021 by Kevin Du. 

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